Sunday, May 31, 2009

Two In Hank's Crate

Believe it or not, they did this on their own. When Grammy and Pap came to visit, they brought Daisy (their Doberman) and Hank (their Schnauzer) up to visit. Both Morgan and Jake started playing in Hanks kennel. At one point they were both in their with the door shut...I joked that this would be the easiest way to transport both of them these days!!

More Pics

Morgan and Jake had fun being spun in the office chair.

Neither could stop giggling!!!

Fun With Family

After Troys birthday party, Grammy, Pap, and Great Granny came back to visit and eat dinner at our house.

Troy's First Birthday

Yesterday we went to my nephew Troy's first birthday. We had lots of fun visiting with family and friends.

More Troy B-day Pics

Got Butter, Got Biscuits

These are t-shirts I got when I was in Tunica when I went to visit Ashley. We went to the casino to eat at the Paula Deen buffet....I just couldn't resist the t-shirts!!!!

Axle 12 Days Old

We went to visit Axle again last week. He is getting so much bigger. He weighed 2# this week. He is so cute and cudly...I can't wait to bring him home.